Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Pythagoras' theorem

Bhatta took 4 of us: Gajju, Malatesh, Reddy and me to a discussion room and he spoke on Pythagoras theorem. He was trying to share his understanding and excitement created because of his reading! Those 10 minutes, there were just awesome! Out of one side of the Triangle came a Square, out of another side of the Triangle came another Square, and out of all these came another big Square after all the points merged together. Lo and Behold, Pythagoras' theorem was crystal clear. [Talk of boxed thinking from outside a Triangle!!! Inside-the-Box :-) ]

Just before doing all this, he made it clear how (a+b)(a+b) = a*a + 2*a*b + b*b. Not just multiplying things, this was done pictorially!!!

I did a work out at my desk just to reinforce the learning!
If only teachers were like this, if they could create so much of excitement, imagine the world!!!

Kudos to you Bhatta!